Del” Pops” Rogers

Biff Brother Del” Pops” Rogers passed away on March 17, 21 at home at the age of 82. Pops was a longtime Biff Brother and attended many Missions with son Mike Rogers, son in law Jody Triplett (creator of the RF) and his brother in law Rob Johnson. Del has had health issues for a few years preventing him from attending the Mission. His son Mike told me his best memories of the Mission was spending time with his dad in his boat fishing. How cool is that! I recall them bringing a few nice stringers in through the years. Del retired from Southern Pacific in 87. In his retirement he spent time fishing and polishing his 64 Impala. We will be dedicating a plaque on the Mission bench in his memory in 2022.  

RIP Pops, you will be missed! Make sure the boys in heaven have the RF recipe!